The Modern Mystery School is an international community and organisation for individuals who seek personal development. Its purpose is to serve, usher in light and awaken people to their true potential and calling in this life. All humans have the capacity to live empowered and in joy. The Modern Mystery School is known throughout the world for its work with light and understanding, carrying on an ancient lineage that stretches back more than 3000 years unchanged and unbroken by time.
The lineage of the Modern Mystery School dates back to the times of King Salomon and has therefore, over 3,500 years of history and lineage. While the mystery school tradition is much older than that, the lineage of the mystery school and its teachings can be verified and traced back to the teachings of King Salomon himself.
Lineage, by definition, means a lineal descent from an ancestor, ancestry or pedigree. The mystery school’s derivation is from an ancient tradition of sharing of knowledge from teacher to student, affirmed by the holy process of initiation.
Through the power of activation, initiation and the wisdom of the lineage, the Modern Mystery School provides the tools, teachings, healings, services, classes and programs that enable the initiate to transform themselves, coming into a state of truly knowing themselves.
To “Know Thyself” is the motto of the mystery school.
By creating a sacred and safe space, through which the exploration of metaphysics, spiritual practice and service is enabled, the initiate embarks on a journey of deep self discovery, delving into the layers of yourself, coming into awareness of your divine nature and purpose here on earth.
Classes with Shani Lehrer – Berlin Program 2019
upcoming Empower Thyself – two days program & Initiation
upcoming Sacred Geometry I and Sacred Geometry II
Shani Lehrer, International Guide, Teacher, Healer is a multi-dimensional Creative Entrepreneur and Speaker. She holds a deep passion for awakening and bringing peace to this planet. All of Shani’s projects are about connecting spirit and matter, reminding people of their true essence and highest potential.
During her visits, Shani will be offering a range of powerful private healing sessions using curing edge tools in advanced spiritual training and healing modalities from the Hermetic lineage of King Salomon. The various advanced healing series include Etheric Reconstruction, King Salomon Healing Modalities, Holistic and Spiritual Reconfiguration from damage caused by addiction and substance abuse, and many more available upon request.
For upcoming classes and private sessions please call us directly at +49-172-8693666.
Classes in London – London Program
The European headquater of the Modern Mystery School is based in London. Klick here to find higher teaching classes and special events.